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How to have a bookish Halloween

Forget about fall and pumpkin spice lattes; Halloween is one of humanity’s oldest and spookiest traditions.

Its origins (in the Western World) come from the Celtic festival “Samhain”, which supposedly marks the time when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest.

Perhaps that’s why Halloween is a bookish dream - all that witchcraft, horror, and mystery makes for some spookily good reading.

As a long-standing Halloween fan, I’ve compiled a vlog that details six ways to make your Halloween fabulous, featuring some content right here in Adelaide.

Because no, Halloween isn’t “just an American thing,” thank you very much. Now, without further ado, press play for inspiration on:

1. Gathering some spooky reads – featuring Ninth House and some classics

2. Visiting spooky places in Adelaide – featuring bats and Adelaide Gaol

3. Doing Halloween baking – featuring cat cookies

4. Carving a Jack O’Lantern – featuring Jeremy

5. Attending spooky activities – featuring Curiositeas, Adelaide Gaol, Hindley Street Music Hall, Norwood Hotel and the Rhino Room

6. Watching spooky movies – featuring The Addams Family

I hope you have a super spooky, bookish Halloween! I know I will be.


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